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BIIAB Level 3 Designated Premises Licence Holder

Level 3 Award for Designated Premises Supervisors


This is a one day course to provide the knowledge required of a Designated Premises Licence Holder, covering the responsibilities as out lined in the Licensing Act 2003.


This course is for anyone named as a Designated Premises Licence Holder, and was formulated following requests of Licensing Authorities and Police
who wanted a more robust qualification than the Personal licence


Licensing Authorities are increasingly asking as a condition for a Personal licence holder to become a Designated Premises Licence Holder.


If you are taking your Personal Licence course, why not stay on and take this course afterwards?

One to one training is also available, just contact us for more information.


Price: £190 plus VAT which includes the pre course pack, full training, exam and certificate.


To book a Designated Premises Supervisor course email Bill: or call on 

07890 519603



Current available dates

(Click on the venues to see more location information)

More dates will be added soon.

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